Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Nellie . . . Growing up

Steve and I decided it would be a fun adventure to adopt a puppy.  After a LOT of research we decided on a chocolate labrador which are surprisingly difficult to find.  I finally found a litter of pups from a lovely family in Enumclaw who had bred there family dog.  We made the trek out to Enumclaw and picked out Nellie when she was 5 weeks old.  It was love at first sight for me and then Nellie picked Steve as well so the decision was easy.  We got Nellie at 7 weeks old and approx 10lbs.  She is now 12 weeks old and 23 lbs.  What a change.  She is much more like a small dog then a puppy.  We love her to death and continue the training daily.  Enjoy the pics of her growing so far!

Holy Cow!

My friends have inspired me and so I am going to do a brief overview of the last NINE months!  Yes, I have been a bad blogger but I am getting back in the game!

Steve and I continue to be happily married and I can hardly believe it is almost nine months from our wedding day.  We have celebrated birthday's, Christmas and all the holidays in between.  Our biggest news is our job situations!  Steve is now working at Starbucks Corporate offices in supply chain management.  I left my job at Overlake Hospital and have just started working in the pediatric ICU at Seattle Children's.  So far we are both truly enjoying our new jobs although its always a challenge to start something new!  We both look forward to all the new possibilities these opportunities present.

Steve and I traveled up to Whistler and down to Las Vegas.  The biggest change so far is our new puppy.  We adopted a chocolate labrador at 7 weeks and she is now 12 weeks old. I never realized that raising a puppy was so much work but she is doing so well and I am amazed at how much she has changed. (More on Nellie in another post.)

More updates to come!