Saturday, February 27, 2010

2 Weeks Under My Belt

I just finished my first two weeks on night shift and am now on my six days off!  Night shift is interesting, it is a bit slower paced but still very busy.  I have discovered that the first night is the hardest in terms of sleep.  I can't sleep late the morning of work, wake up at 10am at the latest and then basically stay up for 24 hours.  Kind of stinks but makes the second day of sleep easier.  I haven been able to fall asleep easily when I get home in the morning but wake up 4 or 5 times.

During the night, the hardest thing to do is eat.  I do NOT feel like eating a full meal at 1am when I take my "lunch" but it seems to be working out okay.

Well I survived and I realize I definitely can survive on night shift so that is good!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Suggestions Please

So on the days leading up to night shift (which is 6:45pm to 7:15am), I have been trying to stay up later and later . . . much past my 10pm bedtime which I was used to. Anyway, I am running into a small problem, what to do past 10pm. I don't like watching TV all that much and there are only so many things you can look up on the computer. Any ideas would be most helpful!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

A New Year

I can hardly believe it is already the middle of February but so far this year has been great! Lots of wedding planning, things are really coming together. The biggest change right now for me is that I am going to night shift! It is a bit crazy and it will be very interesting to see how my body adjusts. I have been attempting to stay up later and sleep in as long as I can to help. My first night is Thursday night. I will keep you posted on how it goes!!