Thursday, May 29, 2008

My New Pad

Finally, pictures of my apartment! I live in the Standard Oil Building located in Mt. Vernon in Baltimore.

My apartment is a studio with more than enough space! I have three closets, a kitchen, a bathroom and laundry in my building. The best part is that my utilities (including AC) are included!!

Also, I love the Mt. Vernon area. It is very historical and has lots of fun shops, restaurants and bars. Below is a picture of the very first Washington Monument (before the one in DC) which is pretty much the center of Mt. Vernon and where my shuttle home from school drops me off in the afternoon.

I will be posting more information on what I learned at orientation soon . . . stay tuned.


cadre said...

Your apartment looks great...fresh, light, clean, and comfortable! Glad to see those study cards out on your table, honey :)
Love, Mom

Jen said...

I love it...especially the very very cool reindeer on the window. I sure wish I had one for my own house. !!