Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I heard that fall technically started but I am still not sure I believe it. It has been increasingly cooler here in Baltimore but the sun is still shining and it still gets into the 70's. I hope the leaves start to turn colors soon, I am ready!

I just finished week 4 of classes and can't believe I am more than halfway done with my OB class. I just had my midterm and in just 3 short weeks I will be done and on to psych! I finished my birth companion class and have a couple of mothers signed up to work with which is really exciting. I get to switch from postpartum to labor and Delivery on Friday. Hopefully I will have an exciting story and get to see my first birth!

I also got the chance to go see Tara and Lisa in DC last weekend. It was a bunch of fun and really great to see some old friends.

Cross your fingers for a good story on Friday!

1 comment:

cadre said...

Here's hoping for a new baby for you to see on Friday. You're doing so well in your classes and I'm so happy for you!
Love, Mom