Saturday, January 10, 2009

One Week Down!

My first week of school was good. My adult health class is very interesting . . . not so sure about the other two at this point. I have a TON more time on my hands this semester so I think I am going to have my friend Nellie teach me to knit!

My clinical was great! My instructor is fabulous and I think she will really challenge me and also help me to be very independent in my nursing decisions and really help me to think through the things that I am doing.

I think I said already but I am on a surgical oncology floor. I think I might love it but all the stories are a bit sad so that may be kind of tough. The majority of patients are post-op of GI, plastics and otolaryngology. There is a lot of head and neck cancer which means lots of tracheostomies.

My patient this week had had a temporal resection with a flap related to a squamos cell cancer. This essentially is when they remove the majority of one's ear and then take a flap of skin from elsewhere (this patient's thigh) and suture it over the surgery site. The patient was in such good spirits and his family was amazing I really enjoyed working with that patient. I got to do all the discharge stuff (LOTS of paperwork), morning assessments, patient teaching and even remove my first IV. I can tell that this clinical will fly by and I will get to practice a lot of skills!

Next week I get to start giving ALL meds which will be great! Last semester we could really only give a few things. Now we can do everything including any IV infusions, narcotics, insulin, heparin and even blood if its needed. I can't wait!

That is pretty much it for now. I started a countdown to graduation and it is currently at 195 days (including holidays, breaks and weekends). Now on to studying!

1 comment:

cadre said...

Oh my gosh, you sound so professional! I continue to marvel at all you have learned since starting at JHU but this rotation will probably really be the beginning of you feeling like a real nursing professional. Have fun honey! Love, Mom